Serene Atmosphere/生命のあふれる杜

Serene Atmosphere/生命のあふれる杜

The imposing subtropical island of Amami is ringed by many natural plants with its scenery greatly enhanced by the surrounding seas.
This beautiful scenery is further contrasted by the large expanse of blending seas and land on the west side of the island.
The island gives a wonderful view of its original greenery and tranquil relationship with nature.


Fountain of music/音楽の泉

Fountain of music/音楽の泉

The blend of original music can be heard throughout the island.
The lyrics depict love,celebrations and life purposely written and sung to bring singers and people together in understanding the humors that exist in everyday life.
It further brings out the differences between classical music and music made in an islander’s mindset.
At the present, there are more than forty bands active in the island of Amami and their new releases continue to amaze visitors to the island.
単に綺麗な声だけの人を声者(くいしゃ)、意味 を理解して唄う人を唄者(うたしゃ)と尊敬される。


The luminous turban shell/夜光貝


The “luminous turban shell” is native to Amami Island.
Green on its outer shell and pearl-like color on the inner side, this large sea shell, has from long ago, been used to fashion outstanding things like letterboxes, music instruments and many others.
The luminous turban shell is confined to Amami Island and its immediate areas in the north.
Its merisis is very slow but its pearl-like nature more than compensates for that.
It is renowned all over the world for its luminous properties.
大型の巻貝で、緑色をした表層部と真珠層の内側を 持つ。
古来から螺鈿の材料として珍重され、正倉院には 楽器、文箱など見事な作品が収められている。
日本では奄美諸島が生息域が北限にあたる為、成長が遅い代わりに、緻密な真珠層を形成し、世界で 最も美しい光沢を持つと言われる。



Amami Batic/大島紬

Amami Batic/大島紬

Most guide books will tell you where to go swimming on an island, but there’s much more than that in Amami Island.
The Mediterranean atmosphere in Amami is an attraction on its own when you notice there is no calmer sea to compare the coastline with in the world. Besides, the very rare and famed “Amami batik” is hand-woven here.
Dying of the batik is achieved by boiling the bark a naturally occurring tree called “TECHI”.
Finishing of the batik is achieved by further dying it in a mud mixture very rich in iron.
To weave and complete the process for just on batik can take as long as one year.
Amami batik is very durable and can be passed down to as many as three generations while its quality remains intact.
With a quality comparable to arabesque of the Middle East, Amami batik comes in different natural patterns that never ages.
自生しているテーチ木(車輪梅)の樹皮を細かく砕き、煮出して染料として使い、後に鉄分を多く含 む泥で染める。


Mesmerizing seascape/多彩な海岸線

Mesmerizing seascape/多彩な海岸線

Amami Island boasts three beautiful Seascaps.
To the east of the island lies the Pacific Ocean in its grandeur.
To the west Is the East China sea with its bottomless Intricacies and to the South, the Inland sea of Tranquility.
All there seas in their cobalt blue combine to create and sense of limitless Time and space.
  島東部 雄大な太平洋
  島西部 複雑な海岸線を持つ東シナ海
  島南部及び北部 穏やかな内海


Basic Information/基本情報

Basic Information/基本情報

Location:28 degrees North,129 degrees East
Seze:720 square kilometers
Climate: Subtropical nature
Average yearly temperature:21℃
Distance from major cities:
Tokyo: 1,270km Dubai 2,730km
Beijing: 1,800km New York: 7,400km
Sydney: 7,300km London: 9,850km
Cape Town (RSA): 11,600km
Moscow: 5,000km Buenos Aires: 12,200km
Cairo: 12,000km
座標:北緯28度19分35秒  東経129度22分28秒
人口:74,000人 広さ:720平方キロ
気候:亜熱帯気候  年間平均気温 21度
東京 1270km(飛行機で約2時間半)北京 1800km、
ドバイ 2730km、NY 7400km、 シドニー  7300km、
ロンドン 9850km、ケープタウン 13,600km 
モスクワ 7560km ブエノスアイレス 19,000km、
カイロ 12,000km